Pheasant Jubilee

1/2 butter or maragarine
1 onion chopped
1/2 cup golden raisins
1 cup chili sauce
1/2 water
1/2 brown sugar
2 tablespoons Worchesershire sauce
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup Sherry
1 (1−lb.) can pitted dark sweet cherries, drained

Dust pheasants with flour. Melt butter in a heavy skillet: brown
birds thoroughly. Place pheasants in a deep casserole. In the same
skillet, combine onion, raisins, chili sauce, water, brown sugar,
Worchestershire sauce and garlic; boil briefly, scraping browned meat
from bottom and sides of pan; pour over pheasants. Bake covered, in
a moderately slow oven (325F) for 1 1/2 hours. remove cover; add
sherry and cherries. Continue baking 20 minutes longer. To serve,
transfer to a deep chafing or warming dish. This works well with
wild rice and a fresh green vegetable.